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Kim S. Before and After Photos Explained

Kim S. is the next person I am going to specifically explain the different transformations she went through during the Cosmetic Acupuncture protocol.  Remember all cosmetic procedures, except Cosmetic Acupuncture, produce different negative side effects.  Botox, Restylane, Plastic Surgery, Laser and Acid Peels can and do give the recipient negative side effects.  It is my hope to educate the populace that there are no negative side effects with Cosmetic Acupuncture.  In fact there are many positive effects of having the procedure done and you can see below the difference 5 1/2 weeks produces.

As always I won't divulge the age of Kim S. as I would like the viewer to see the before and after changes without trying to figure out whether the individual looks their chronological age.  Below the photos you will see a list of Before and After comments that will direct your attention to a particular area of the face describing what I see on Kim's photographs.  I will specifically describe what she looks like in her Before shot and then list the changes I see in the same area of the face in the After shot.  You can click on Kim's photo below and the link will take you to all of her photographs.  Feel free to blow them up and take a closer look.

Before:  Kim's forehead has deep thick horizontal lines.

After:  The horizontal forehead lines have decreased significantly.


Before:  Between her eye brows Kim has a deep diagonal line off of each eyebrow.

After:  Both of the diagonal deep lines have decreased significantly.


Before:  The skin between the eyebrow and eyelids, on both sides, is loose and sags a bit over the actual eye lid.

After:  The skin is now tighter and has raised toward the eyebrows which in turn reveals more of the eyelid.  This simple change has accented Kim's eyes greatly.


Before:  The skin below Kim's eyes has a yellow color to it.

After:  The yellow below the eyes has disappeared creating a more even skin tone around the eyes.  This has produced a much healthier look to her eyes and strongly accents the eyes.


Before:  Looking at the bridge of Kim's nose and focusing on the sides where the skin slopes down toward her cheeks there is a plumpness on each side giving her nose a larger appearance.

After:  The skin that makes up the slope of the nose has tightened giving the nose a thinner appearance.  Also notice the skin tone in this area is much healthier.


Before:  Direct your attention to Kim's nostrils.  The skin around the nostrils present with plumpness.

After:  The skin surrounding the nostrils has tightened adding to the more svelte nose.


Before:  Kim's mouth has a frowned unhappy look to it.  The outline of both her upper and lower lips have a loose definition to them.  The corners of the mouth are sagging downward resulting in a frowned appearance.  From the corners, where the upper and lower lip come together, you can see a deep crevice traveling down toward the chin.

After:  Kim's mouth is no longer frowning.  The outline of the lips has more definition which gives the Cupid's Bow appearance to her lips.  The corners of the mouth are no longer sagging.  The deep crevices at the corners of her mouth have decreased significantly adding to the new look of her mouth.


Before:  Kim's jaw line on both sides is undefined as she has plump skin throughout.

After:  The skin of the cheek and jaw has tightened and no longer does Kim have loose skin.  In fact you can see beginnings of dimples.  Further her chin and jaw line have also become more defined. 


Before:  She has many red and purple lines zigzagging throughout her skin.  Most prominently the lines are seen on the cheeks.  These are tiny blood vessels close to the surface of the skin.

After:  She has experienced a significant reduction in the zigzagging blood vessel presentation.


Please remember Kim is not wearing any makeup.  She did not lose any weight during the protocol.  All of the changes you see are due to the Cosmetic Acupuncture protocol.  These changes occurred over a 5 1/2 week period of time.

If you have any questions about Kim's results or Cosmetic Acupuncture please leave a message below.

Dr. Betts

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