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Cosmetic Acupuncture Helps Acid Reflux, Aches, Pains and Asthma

The Fountain of HealthMany people have asked whether the Cosmetic Acupuncture can help other ailments that they may be experiencing.  My answer to them is Yes.  In fact I guarantee that they will experience changes of course I don't know what types of changes only that there will be positive changes.  I don't guarantee that they will experience cosmetic changes but I do guarantee the they will experience internal results whether is is stress relief, resolution of gastro intestinal issues, more energy etc.  For this reason I am passionate about Cosmetic Acupuncture.

Since I use acupupoints on the face that directly effect different systems and organs throughout the body the end result is increasing the health of those systems and organs.  Which in turn removes symptoms a person may be experiencing prior to receiving Cosmetic Acupuncture.

I always explain to clients that if your face has sagginess, blotchiness, acne, age lines, age spots etc. these symptoms are an indication of your health internally.  Your skin is a reflection of your internal health.  It's that simple.  Cosmetic Acupuncture actually helps your body heal internally and once the internal systems are healed they produce miraculous results externally.  The body is an amazing healing entity if we provide it with what it requires.  The only time a body can't heal itself is when it is 6 feet under (dead).   

So am I saying that acupuncture alone can help heal many ailments?  The answer is..YES!  Absolutely!  I've seen it happen over and over again.  This is why acupuncture has existed for over 5,000 years.  The healing art and philosophy of acupuncture is based on how the body works.  Granted if you are consuming nothing but 'garbage food' you will not create optimal health.  This is why I make dietary recommendations when a client begins Cosmetic Acupuncture.  Everyone wants to get optimal results, right?  So we make sure the body has the proper nutrients to create the optimal results.  When clients use the recommendations their faces show it in the end!

I would like to share some passages from a testimonial by Terry W. and if you want to read the entire testimonial you can do it HERE.

"After the first session you will begin to gain benefits that you never would have imagined.  In my case the following benefits have been received in my health throughout the procedures.  My acid reflux is gone.  I used to take a Prilosec daily now I am free of the chemical as well as the reflux.  Additionally I had low back pain that has been improving daily and it is so good to not have the back pain daily.  My digestion has been greatly improved as well.  I have had daily sinus issues that have completely gone away.  I have suffered with Asthma for all of my life but since starting the procedures I am so improved that I have cut my medication in this area by 3/4 and am doing amazingly well. 

One other thing that I have noticed is that you receive so much benefit from this procedure that little aches and pains that you had before are gone and you wake up one morning and think wow the arthritis in my thumb is gone.  This was my case."
As always if you have any questions or comments please leave them below.
Take care of your face.  It's the only one you've got.
Dr. Betts

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