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Kids Get More Ear Infections, Why?

Parents Need To Know Ear Canal Anatomy

One of the most common reasons that a parent will take a child to the medical doctor is ear infections.  Doctors often don't educate their parents about the anatomy of the child's ear.  What do you mean the anatomy of the child's ear?  And why would I as a parent need to know this?  Simple, when a parent knows the anatomy of the ear canal they have the knowledge needed in order to decrease the amount of ear infections a child will have to experience.

Ear infections are extremely painful as many parents can attest often times there is no consoling a child who has a full blown ear infection.  With infants it is difficult to ascertain when the child contracts an ear infection.  If the child is old enough often times a good sign will be that the baby will grab at the infected or irritated ear.  Adolescents who have begun to communicate will be able to verbalize the pain and therefore treatment can commence.

If a parent knew the anatomy of a child's ear they could alleviate some of the ways in which a child can contract an infection.  The ear of an adult is not the same as a child.  In fact during infancy some of the structures are still growing and changing.  In describing the anatomy of the ear please imagine the baby in a standing position.  The canal begins on the outside of the ear and takes a downward forward path toward the tympanic membrane or ear drum.  In other words the canal would go from the opening and take a path down toward the jaw bone.  In adults the canal travels upward and forward.  Due to the construction of the child's canal it does not easily drain and therefore a perfect environment for accumulation of garbage and bacterial growth.

Other Reasons For Ear Infections

There is also a connection between the ear canal and the nose and throat.  Infections in these regions can spread to the middle ear region.  How do you reduce the frequency of ear infections in your child?  Make sure that the child's immune system is strong enough to ward of any pathogens such as bacteria.  How do you do this?  The greatest immunity that you can give your child is breast milk.  Studies show that a child who has been breast fed for 6 months or more will have less immune compromise than a child who has not been breast fed at all.

Breast Milk = Child Immunity

What is so great about breast milk?  When the child is born it has very little immunity to deal with its new surroundings.  Breast milk carries antigens that are important for the natural immunity to ward of would be pathogenic attackers.  Babies who have gone straight to formula have a much higher risk of getting infections than those who are breast fed.  Breast fed babies also grow into adolescence and adulthood with a stronger immunity to pathogens and therefore get sick less often to never. 

Clean Canals No Bugs

Another way to help insure that your child doesn't get an ear infection is to make sure that the ear is clean.  Dirt can get into the ear canal by the child slobbering and having the saliva role into the ear canal, during feeding having the food or formula drool into the ear canal, having the baby crawl on the dirty floor or ground and then put their fingers in their ears introduces bacteria and whole myriad of pathogens into the canal and finally bathing often times introduces water into the canal which may be left due to not properly drying the canal.  The introduction of water into the canal is a perfect environment for bacteria.

Chiropractic Physician Immunity Booster

The last way to insure that the child doesn't get an ear infection or an infection of any kind is regular visits to your local Chiropractic Physician.  A Chiropractic Physician is an expert in Neuro-musculoskeletal issues of the body.  They make sure that the babies vertebral column is in alignment so that the nervous system is working at its optimal capacity.  This ensures that the childs immunity will work to fight off the infection before it becomes a problem.  Studies have shown many babies who see there Chiropractic Physician on a regular basis do not get nearly as many infections as a child who gets no chiropractic care.

Healthy Kids With Healthy Ears

We want our children to grow up strong and healthy.  Although children are very resilient, if parents would take the above recommendations the child will be given an even better chance to flourish in life with minimal or no diseases.  With proper immunity, regular neurological check ups by the Chiropractic Physician and parental diligence in making sure the ear canals stay clean the child will be happier and healthier with less ear infections than most children. 

Dr. Betts 

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