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C-Reactive Protein Predicts Heart Disease

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), April 1, 2004, questioned the importance of the C-Reactive Protein (CRP) test as a predictor of heart disease.

There have been more than 20 studies showing the importance of the CRP test.  More than half show high CRP levels predict a 100% increased risk of heart attack.

In the medicine clinicians do not know what CRP means, and they have no idea what to do about.  For cholesterol they have statins, and channel blockers, diruretics, and more for blood pressure but they don’t understand CRP other than if it is high in an individual they are more susceptible to having a heart attack by 100%.

So most likely if you are suffering from high CRP- statins, blood pressure and heart drugs will be what you are given.  However, understand that if your CRP is high, and especially if it is combined with other heart disease markers, you had Better Take Action Now.

The most critical heart tests cannot be gathered from heart screenings.  These screenings should be avoided, period – they only lead to inconclusive results; false positives; and lots and lots of further testing and invasive medical procedures including angiography, bypasses, drugs, and more.  The tests that should be used and gives the clinician important information are Total Cholesterol with HDL and LDL fractions, Triglycerides, Fasting Glucose, CRP, Homocysteine, and Heart Recover Rate (the rate at which the heart recovers from extreme aerobic maximum output).

If you have two or more out of normal you need to take immediate action and work with a clinician that can help your body heal as it was meant to.  I do recommend these tests to my patients and am able to get them at a significantly discounted rate.  If you are interested to see how well your cardiovascular system is doing please call Cindy and make an appointment.  Also check out the Products of the Month February 2014

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  • Response
    Response: superiorpapers
    We have lot of issues in our life and these are always impacting on our heart. The uses of proper medicines are save our life from different types of heart diseases. The most recent creation of C - reactive protein saves us from heart disease.
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