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Cosmetic Acupuncture Before and After Kristen W.

It is very exciting to announce that Cosmetic Acupuncture Before and After Photos are up on this website under Before and After Cosmetic Acupuncture.  

I'm going to take this opportunity to highlight an individual who has gotten Cosmetic Acupuncture.  It still amazes me how using just acupuncture needles can create such wonderful changes in an individuals looks.  Here is a more detailed look at Kristen W. who has allowed me to publish her Before and After Photos.

I believe it isn't necessary to divulge Kristen's age.  After knowing the age of an individual it is difficult for the brain to actually focus on the before and after changes as it will focus on whether the before photo actually looks the chronological age.  However, I would like to share that she is an entrepreneur and must tackle daily stress.  Let's begin by taking a look at the two photos below.

Below I list the differences between the before and after.  Please remember all of these changes happened without Botox, Restalyne, Dermabrasion, Acid peels, Lasers, Liposuction, Collagen, Scalpels or Anasthesia.  Let me also mention none of the effects you get from plastic surgery or a dermatologic procedure were ever experienced.


Kristen W. Before and After Cosmetic Acupuncture

Before:  Overall, my first impression is that the face has a very round shape.

After:  You can see that Kristen's face has an overall thinner and tighter look to it.  NOTE* Kristen did not gain or lose any weight during this protocol.


Before:  See the area between the eye brows, you can see two deep worry furrows.

After:  These furrows have significantly decreased in severity.


Before:  The eye brows are thinning and producing unhealthy hair.

After:  The eye brows have filled in nicely with thicker strands of hair.


Before:  The eye lids bulge out over the eyes.

After:  The eye lids have been drawn back into the eye orbit by tightening the eye lid skin which emphasizes Kristen's beautiful eyes.


Before:  The bridge of Kristen's nose is quite wide and plump.

After:  The plumpness has dissipated revealing a firmer nasal structure.


Before:  The end of the nose is also quite plump with very little definition.

After:  The plumpness was removed revealing a more stream lined perkiness perfectly accentuating her eyes.


Before:  The space between the bottom of the nose and top lip has very little definition due to plumpness.

After:  This space now has a deeper positive furrow and more definition.


Before:  Kristen's cheeks are large plump areas with no definition.

After:  Her skin is now tighter hugging the cheek bone giving more definition.


Before:  Although I didn't catch that Kristen was wearing lip gloss during the before shoot you can still see that her lips are plump with very little definition.

After:  Kristen's lips now have a more Cupid's Bow definition adding to the attractiveness of her face.  Also, the bottom lip has a bit more voluptuous volume.


Before:  The area below the bottom lip to the chin crease contains plumpness with no definition.

After:  You can now see more of an indentation which helps define the bottom lip more fully.


Before:  The chin is plump being defined only by the deep crease.

After:  The plumpness has been removed to define the bone structure of Kristen's chin accentuating the Cupid's Bow lips even more.


Before:  There is no jaw line definition as the tissue along the jaw bone is plump.

After:  Kristen's jaw line has more of a structure which frames the bottom of her face emphasizing her now more sexy lips, nose and eyes.


Overall, Kristen looks great.  We have managed to decrease her chronological look nicely.  Kristen's face skin at this point is very sensitive to chemicals and breaks out easily.  This issue is currently being worked on with proper supplementation and wellness acupuncture.  Look for photos of Kristen in the next month to see how well her skin clears up for good.

If you have any questions about this entry don't hesitate to post them below.  Further if you are considering Cosmetic Acupuncture I would be happy to schedule a Free 15 minute consultation with you.  

Dr. Betts

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December 25, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterYourelf Quotes

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