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Reintroduce Yourself To Dreams, Ideas And Vitality

There are so many opportunities in this world that we all take for granted.  In the beginning each of us is an individual full of life, vitality, dreams and ideas.  As we grow older we tend to focus on our immediate families and friends.  As children those amazing dreams, vitality, and ideas are constantly a part of our reality.  When we reach a certain age rather than pursuing those ideas and dreams we seem to loose touch with our childhood and move onto adulthood.  Having families and focusing on family and friends.

Each day holds something new to learn and experience for we are here on earth to enjoy life and create.  It is inherent in our reality to create our dreams and yet why do we get to a time in our life when we abandon those dreams?  It is not because we lost touch with those dreams and ideas as much as it is that we have lost touch with our body and its needs and desires.

We grow up with an enormous amount of vitality and as we age we introduce more and more foods that are unhealthy and void of nutrients.  As more of the toxins continue to compound the already humble festering toxic waste dumps within the body from years past our bodies become less and less vital as we compound the damage.  Is there anyway that the affect of years and years of toxic build up can be dismantled?

The answer is yes.  However, we must make a commitment in our mind to want to acquire that vital force that we had as a child in order to reacquaint ourselves with those amazing dreams and ideas.  It is time for us to begin giving our body the sustenance that it needs in order to maintain a healthy physical, mental and spiritual structure.  With out the physical health of the entire body we are unable to reacquaint our being with all of those wonderful ideas, dreams and vitality.

We must commit to a better way of eating.  First, start with cleaning out the toxins in the body by understanding that in order to be a more aware person we must eat less toxic foods.  Once we have committed to this idea we will be able to realize that with a clear mind anything is possible.  It is a new day everyday.  That new day is an opportunity for us to become the person we have always wanted to be.  It doesn't make any difference whether we are single or have a family we are able to do anything once we have created health within the body.

If we don't have health we have nothing.  This means we aren't able to think properly and we aren't able to deal with stress or deal with family, friends and coworkers.  This creates a situation where we must exist on reaction alone.  Reacting to situations instead of becoming proactive is a sure way to decrease our vitality and therefore be unable to bring our ideas and dreams into reality.  'I coulda, woulda, shoulda...' becomes our motto and we look back at the end of our life and notice that those wonderful ideas and dreams we once had have remained just that, ideas and dreams.  The initiative to bring them into reality never took place.

Think about the simple task of devoting some time to making better nutritional choices.  By presenting the body with the right building blocks it yearns for we allow its innate intelligence to rid the body of toxins that depress vitality.  Once the body begins the toxic removal all of the perceived negative outcomes of various situations will blossom into uplifting positive experiences.  By making this simple adjustment new friends that will help us obtain our dreams and ideas will be created.

In fact by the simple act of providing the body with the nutrients it requires family members will notice a difference in our demeanor and support us in our quest to reintroduce the dreams, ideas and vitality of childhood back into our lives.  Allow that child who yearns to be a part of our world, that child that had all of those dreams and ideas, that child who had so much vitality that nothing was going to stand in the way of success.  Revisit the possibilities and the wonderment of who you are.

Dr. Betts 

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