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Can Junk Food Be Healthy?

It is amazing that this question was even given air time on the 'Today' show on March 8, 2007.  The report demonstrated how different junk food corporations are seeing that people are demanding more nutrition and want to stay healthy.  These corporations have introduced whole wheat, omega 3, vitamin C, and whole grains into their products.  Krispy Kreme has now given their customers a choice to purchase regular white flour donuts or whole wheat donuts.  Either way it is still a donut that has been deep fried in a vat of animal fat.  This would be considered a junk food even with the whole wheat added.  The same holds true with the ice cream that has introduced Omega 3's, the kids sugary snack that has been fortified with Vit. C, and the whole grain addition to candy bars. 

If you are looking to stay healthy please be advised that although these corporations are adding what would be considered nutritious foods remember it is processed to the point at which it becomes unrecognizable.  All junk foods are and will always be junk hence the name.  The only none junk food there is are foods that come in their original packaging.  Stay healthy and spend most of your grocery shopping time in the produce section of your local grocer.  Choose organic if at all possible to stay away from any harmful toxins that were used in the growing process.

Dr. Betts

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