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Volunteer And Don't Keep It A Secret

A Very Rewarding Project

It's very exciting to be  part of an organization like Brown Bag Brigade in its infancy. Although there have been political issues and disagreements I believe that if something is worth while an organization will overcome those obstacles. One of two things usually happen, 1. The political issues and disagreements take over the organization and it flounders, or 2. The people who create the political issues and disagreements decide that an organization is not for them and therefore take their leave.

I believe, in my heart, that Brown Bag Brigade is one of the most rewarding projects for the homeless as well as the individuals involved with the brigade. Hopefully people will remove their petty insecurities and realize that this is a mammoth opportunity to give unconditionally. When the brigade distributes food to the homeless or people give donations to the project they are not expecting anything in return. However, I believe when individuals expect something in return this becomes the impetus for political issues, disagreements and petty insecurities mount.

I believe that all people are good. They have good intentions yet they base some of their decisions on fear. In fact many people in the world base decisions on fear. I ask that each who read this blog put yourself in a homeless situation. Can you even fathom such an experience? Please contemplate homelessness and then see that you have very little to be afraid of. You have a roof over your head, 3 meals a day, loving family, and the ability to make a difference in a persons life who is less fortunate than you.

Take Notice And Volunteer

Recently I was having a discussion with a friend about going out and feeding the homeless. This person questioned, 'Are you serious? You had better be careful.' Then this friend thought about it again and said, 'That is amazing. I never thought of doing anything like that. When did you start doing that?' I then explained that throughout my life I'd been volunteering for people less fortunate than I. 'I would really like to do something like that. How do I start?', my friend asked.

This is how the world is going to stand up and take notice of those individuals who are less fortunate. The people who are doing things like feeding the homeless must go out and tell people what they are doing. Invite friends, family, anyone you know to help make the world a better place. It should never be hidden that you are helping others because when someone knows that you are helping others they are going to ask you about it and learn how wonderful volunteering is. Don't hide behind a rock and only come out to do the work and not allow others the benefit of your stories in order to bring the message of unconditional giving to others.

Help others see how wonderful volunteering is. Whether it is feeding the homeless or helping in your church make sure that your name is a part of a list so people know who they can approach to ask about the remarkable work you are doing. There is way too much work to be done not to get more and more people involved.

Shout It Out

When an organization wants to publish your name for God's sake let them. I mean that, God wants people to know who is helping those who are less fortunate so individuals who want to get involved will be able to ask questions and hopefully join in the efforts to make the world a better place. Not having your name published doesn't allow you to continue to do God's work. Yes, volunteering is appreciated but it is also important to allow others who are interested to ask you questions and get involved.

Is it not ture that when you find an excellent teacher in personal development you let as many people know about this teacher as humanly possible?  This teacher does not hide himself under a rock as he understand that he needs to continue to do good and teach others to do so as well.  The teachers name is published everywhere.  You are a teacher and should allow others to be your students.  Uncondictional love, tithing, and volunteering are lessons that all human kind should be exposed to.

What ever organization you decide to help, if they have an area where your name can be published, get your name published so that you can actively educate others on how to volunteer, tithe and love unconditionally. Can you imagine what the world would be like if most people would be committed to just volunteering? What better individual to be a spokesperson then someone who is active in the organization.

Dr. Betts

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